Welcome to
Moon's Moat Nursery!
Miss Mazgajczyk is our teacher, Mrs Reid is our Nursery Nurse and Mrs Burgoyne is our Foundation Stage Leader. The children may sometimes work with Mrs Burgoyne, Mrs Bench and Mr Clissett who work in the Foundation Stage too.
In our class, your child will learn and explore through play and active learning. They are encouraged to follow their interests and develop their confidence, independence and self esteem. They will have a balance of adult led activities and child initiated activities during their sessions. We look forward to sharing your child's learning journeys with you as they learn and develop at home and at nursery. Please upload any photos of things that you do at home together to Tapestry. We would love to see them!
Welcome to the Spring Term!
Our new topic is:
People Who Help Us
These are some of the words we will be learning throughout our topic. It would be great if you could talk about them together at home too.
Reading Books
We change the children's reading books on a Friday.
Below are some ideas for talking about the books you are reading together.
Here are some resources that you may find useful to develop speaking and listening at home:
Activities to try at home
Let's Count up to Ten - Counting Song - YouTube
If you have got a dice at home, roll the dice and then count out that many objects. Perhaps your grown up could draw dots instead if you haven't got a dice.
Trolls dance Trolls: Can't Stop The Feeling | GoNoodle - YouTube
Cosmic Kids Yoga We're Going on a Bear Hunt | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure! - YouTube
Sticky Kids - Stand Up, Sit Down - YouTube
Sticky Kids - Let's Go Walking - YouTube
Sticky Kids - Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes - YouTube
Sticky Kids - Funky Monkey - YouTube
Sticky Kids - Wind the Bobbin - YouTube
Sticky Kids - Fold Your Arms - YouTube
If You're Happy and You Know It If You're Happy and You Know It! | Barefoot Books Singalong - YouTube
Reading for Pleasure
We love reading our favourite books and discovering new stories together. Please take a look at the Reading for Pleasure part of our website. Reading For Pleasure
Click the banner below to find many more wonderful stories to listen to and watch together.