Mental Health and Wellbeing at Moon's Moat First School
At Moon’s Moat First School we are committed to supporting the positive mental health and emotional wellbeing of our pupils and staff. We know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and at times may need additional emotional support. We aim to do this through ensuring effective practice and provision is in place through universal, whole school and specialised approaches. We take the view that positive mental health is everybody’s responsibility and strive to ensure that our children and stakeholders understand the importance of looking after their mental health and wellbeing.
We aim to:
- Promote positive mental health in all staff and pupils
- Increase understanding and awareness of common mental health issues
- Engage the whole-school community in the importance of mental health awareness
- Ensure mental health problems are identified early and appropriate support provided
- Provide support and training to staff working with children to develop positive mental health and emotional wellbeing
- Offer provision and interventions that match the needs of pupils
- Signpost all stakeholders to appropriate agencies in order to access support
We promote a mentally healthy environment through:
- Whole school ‘Emotion Coaching’
- Being a ‘trauma informed’ school
- Jigsaw PSHE curriculum
- Shooting Stars groups (Nurture provision)
- Therapeutic activities including Lego, relaxation and mindfulness activities
- Use of the Wellbeing Toolkit to support staff
- Promoting our school values and encouraging a sense of belonging
- Targeted interventions to develop children’s social and emotional skills
- Visits and visitors
- Celebrating academic and non-academic achievements
- Assemblies
- Annual ‘Mental Health’ awareness weeks
- Promoting pupil voice and opportunities to participate in decision making
- Parent questionnaires
- School Council
- Managing feeling resources such as ‘Worry monsters’ in classrooms
- Managing emotions resources such as ‘The Incredible 5 Point Scale’
- Workshops for parents
- School nursing team
- Family support worker
- Staff training
As a result:
- Children understand their emotions and feelings better
- Children feel comfortable sharing any concerns or worries
- Children develop their social skills to form and maintain relationships
- Children are supported to develop their confidence and self-esteem
- Children develop emotional resilience and skills to manage setbacks
Trauma and Mental Health Informed Schools
Miss Crawford and Mrs Lawrence have completed the 'Trauma and Mental Health Informed Schools: Practitioner Status' award, and we are proud to be embedding trauma informed strategies across school.
Emotion Coaching
We use the 'Emotion Coaching' approach across school.
Please click here to watch a short video about Emotion Coaching.
What is Emotion Coaching?
Emotion Coaching is based on the principle that nurturing and emotionally supportive relationships provide optimal contexts for the promotion of children's outcomes and resilience.
Emotion Coached children and young people:
Achieve more academically in school
Are more popular
Have fewer behavioural problems
Have fewer infectious illnesses
Are more emotionally stable
Are more resilient
(Gottman 1997)
How does Emotion Coaching work?
Emotion Coaching uses moments of heightened emotion and resulting behaviour to guide and teach the child and young person about more effective responses. Through empathetic engagement, the child's emotional state is verbally acknowledged and validated, promoting a sense of security and feeling 'felt'. This activates changes in the child's neurological system and allows the child to calm down, physiologically and psychologically.
Shooting Stars Intervention
Mrs Lawrence and Mrs Watkins have completed the Theory and Practice of Nurture Groups course and are both qualified Nurture Practitioners. Mrs Watkins works closely with Miss Lawrence (SENDCo) and runs 'Shooting Stars' intervention groups in school (Year 1-4).
Shooting Stars is a nurturing intervention used in school to provide additional support for pupils. We assess social and emotional needs, and carefully plan activities to provide the help and support required to remove barriers to learning. Some children may attend Shooting Stars to develop their social skills, or to learn ways to manage their big feelings. If you have any questions or would like to know more, please arrange to speak to Mrs Lawrence.
Mentor Link
Some children receive support from a mentor in school. School works closely with Mentor Link, who provide social and emotional support to vulnerable/ distressed children and young people.
Family Support
Lisa Sinclair is a Family Support Worker employed by school to support children and their families. This can be in school or over the phone. Lisa is in school once a fortnight on a Tuesday morning. If you would like support from Lisa, please let school know and we will pass on your contact details. This could be support with bedtime routines, managing feelings or behaviour at home.
If you would like further support at home, school can make a referral for Early Intervention Family Support. Parents/carers can also make a referral by clicking the link below:
The Reach4Wellbeing team supports and promotes the emotional wellbeing of young people and parent/carers through evidence based interactive online group programmes.
Please click the following links for further information:
Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities
The Starting Well Partnership supports families, parents, children and young people across Worcestershire to lead happy, healthy and fulfilled lives.
ELSA Challenges
Here are some links to mental health and wellbeing activities and challenges for you to complete at home.
Click here for more free resources.
Cosmic Kids Yoga and Mindfulness
This YouTube channel features lots of mindfulness and meditation activities specifically
designed for parents and children to do together.
Calm Zone
There are lots of ways to feel calmer. It's about finding what works for you. Childline's Calm Zone has breathing exercises, activities, games and videos to help children to let go of stress.