Clubs |
Day |
Club |
Year Group |
Run by and info |
Start Date |
Monday |
Multi Skills Club £1.50 per session |
Years 1 & 2 |
Mr. Atkins This club will introduce the children to a range of different sporting skills |
16/09//2024 |
Times Tables Rock Stars Club FOC
Years 3 & 4 |
Mrs. Blake and Mrs. Turner |
16/09/2024 |
Tuesday |
Science Club
Years 3 & 4 |
Mrs. Blake and Mrs. Turner A fun club where the children will experiment with things like boats and rockets |
17/09/2024 |
Wednesday |
PE Games Club £1.50 per session |
Years 3 & 4 |
Mr. Veness This club will introduce the children to a range of sports. |
Thursday |
Choir 3.15-4 pm FOC |
Year 3 & 4 |
Mrs. Priston and Mrs. Kelly Our choir is very popular with the children and performs in school and in the local community. |
19/09/2024 |
Multi Sports Club 3.15-4 pm £1.50 per session |
Years 3 & 4 |
Mr. Atkins This club will introduce the children to a range of team sports. |
19/09/2024 |